I've recently had "hose issues" with two separate Weber Grills, a 100 and a 1000. On the first, I just replaced the hose and it solved the problem. On the 1000, I replaced the hose and the tank, and still had the no light, low pressure issue. And yes, the match/screw driver test did provide gas. Upon calling Weber, they replace my regulator under warranty. When I checked the old regulator, it was full of an oily substance, that I understand (from the Web) is a common problem. After grilling with propane and using rubber connector hoses for over 50 years, this year is the first that I have had such issues. As of now, I am loathe to use the replacement cylinders, you can swap-out at many places, including Walmart. I'm convinced that that is where the issue is. I think it is the propane, and the oily substance is coming from the propane and is what is destroying the hoses, and in my case (and others) the regulator. It is not oil but is an oily, very acidic substance. I forget what one seemingly knowledgeable person on the web called it.