I also chose the Delorme Inreach explorer mainly because of the two way messaging capability, and because it can be used anywhere. In an emergency you can communicate back and forth with the rescue people and explain the nature of the emergency and receive advice back. We often camp in places where we rarely see anyone, and where there is no cell service. It has worked very well for my purposes. You can also change subscription plans or suspend service without penalty.
This summer my son used it as his tracker/communicator for the Tour Divide mountain bike race from Banff, Alberta to Anyelope Wells, New Mexico. For almost twenty days it sent track points every ten minutes for up to twenty hours a day. We could watch his progress on the tour divide website which he linked to, and we watched on our own computer using the map share app. He could text or email us, and we could answer back. The app allowed us to zoom in and see on a Google Earth view where he was to within 10 yards. We could actually see where he stopped for lunch at a McDonalds one day. In one case, a racer was paged for a phone call in a restaurant. It was his wife who was following his track and identified the location. At this point, I would recommend this particular unit.