Forum Discussion

markm1's avatar
Aug 11, 2017

State of trip planning software

We've been seasonal for the past 5 years, so haven't had to plan a trip in awhile.

Ideally, I'd like to find a web/based service that can:
- suggest a route from A to B
- based on hours/miles, show estimated stop points
- help suggest things to see/do along the route, x-miles off the route detour type of stuff
- save the trip, things you want to stop at, etc, and ideally push it to a google maps navigable leg

Years back I used a variety of software on the laptop, websites, etc. None of it was ever really any good. Especially planning legs based on drive time, and finding things along the way.

Google Navigation is great, but I never found a good way of telling it "nope, not taking that highway, route me around that city" type of stuff. Could do it online, but the mobile just recalculated A to B all the time.

I tried a few "along the way" tools a few years back on a road-trip to Ohio, and they still kinda sucked :(
  • I've been looking at Furkot. It's a web-based trip planner with a plethora of features that make it useful. One of the most useful for me is the ability to set time and distance limits for each day's travel. It would be nice if it listed RV Parks near each stopping point but they're working on it. Check it out.
  • RVing for 10+ years - 100,000+ miles.

    I had been using Microsoft Streets & Trips for many years but it was discontinued about 2 years ago. I still have the 2013 version on my laptop but the POIs are outdated.

    I, too, found RV Trip Wizard the closest to MS S&T.

  • WNYBob wrote:
    Goodsam Trip Planner is a start, and it's free!

    X1 and I use the Diesel RV Garmin which gives you continuous info i.e miles to destination, time of arrival, MPH. The garmin voice command feature is great since you can make adjustments without using your hands:)
  • Yah, I use RV Trip Wizard (Wiz), $39 yr but worth it in my opinion.
    Reportedly like Goodsam, but a little better and SAM is free, Wiz isn't'

    Plus, Wiz, you can export the files to post in Google or uMap for posting blogs etc..
    Don't know about SAM

    Hope that helps