Forum Discussion

Snowman9000's avatar
Jun 14, 2013

Strange PayPal happening

Today I received a UPS package addressed to an RV surplus company, but at my address. One time in the past, I purchased something on ebay from the named company.

I called the sender, who was a senior citizen in FL. He said the item was the subject of a dispute he filed with PayPal against the company. PP sided with him and instructed him to return the item. PP's email listed the company at my street address! So that's what the guy used.

I've never heard of the guy before; I believe his story. I have sent an email to the company to tell them what's up. The guy is going to call PP to tell them. I told him someone needs to send me a call tag.

I shoulda refused it on sight, but I have ordered something from a different company (PPL) that I'm waiting on, and the box was about the right size. I thought maybe they had it dropped shipped or who knows what. I checked my own PP account and everything looks right.

Maybe PP has a database problem. We shall see.
  • The most prudent course of action is to call UPS and tell them an item was delivered to you by mistake. That will take you out of any legal loop. It is unlawful to retain an item accidentally sent to you. You should make this UPS' and Pay Pal's, the original sender's and the original recipient's problem. Nothing good will come from you holding that package.
    BTW, the wrong address scam is sometimes used to ship drugs and stolen merchandise. When the package arrives at your house the guys who bought the drugs are waiting to snatch the package. They either just grab it if it is left outside or ring your bell and ask if the carrier just delivered their package to you by mistake. They tell you they called the main office and that office told them the driver delivered the package to your address. This way there is no tracking of the actual drug buyers.
  • Depending on the value of the goods in the box, the original shipper may not even want the thing back.
    PayPal has already debited them for the money paid and credited the Old Fellow in Florida!

    They may or may not issue a pickup slip!
  • So many online retailers and wholesalers use drop ship from a distributor and electronic order systems, it's amazing how well it usually works. But when it goes wrong it really goes wrong.