There are really two things to consider. You are obviously internet capable, but how are you going to carry wire with you? And, What will work when you don't have it?
To this end, Yes, get one of the navigators and get it with a GPS. Strips and Treets is easier to use, and you will need to upgrade someday, so save that for Street Alas. You will outgrow S&T at some point unless Macrosquash does a lot more with it than they have done in the past. Just be ready. Both those navigators will work without wire, which brings up another thing. You need to be able to run whatever on the MH/TV power. That way you can run the navigator underway and that is essential. Which ever package you use, you will have to go to the
Discovery Owners site and collect the overlay data that interests you.
If you are not planning to carry wire (old term for have internet access), at least get a high power Wifi set. I have used the the Alfa AWUS036(xxx)<= xxx current model for years, and if there is an open access anyplace close, you can work it. There are others - too.
There are lots of ways to carry wire by cell phone, but only the smart phones or special adapters will do this. They aren't cheap to run, but bags cheaper than satellite. They also don't have the coverage of satellite. If you plan to be in campgrounds most of the time, WiFi will probably work for you.
If you have the navigator with overlays and wire, you can plan overnight stops be they campground or other, collect fuel prices, read CG reviews and make reservations if needed. It will make the entire exercise much less stressful.
If you have new questions, come on back here. (Hint, you will.)