Forum Discussion

Mayor30's avatar
Nov 05, 2021

T mobile Internet

T mobile is offering 5g internet for $50 a month. That would save me about $240 a year. Has anyone tried it yet?
  • I've used the hot spot on my Samsung S20 and have not been real happy. If my wife is also on a hotspot on her phone, then mine slows down or drops.
    I'm thinking of getting then system I mentioned above next camping
  • Two things
    1. T-Mobile is great when you have signal, if no it's zero! It's all or nothing.
    2. You need to buy their 5G box and the SIM card for the data line for the box.
    T-Mobile M2000 HotSpot

    A friend at my membership campground wanted to work on line and the campground's WIFI was poor to non existent. He bought the above and was very happy with it. He said it was very user friendly to set up and use.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    After being with Verizon for over 20 years, I switched to T-Mobile early this year and I have been extremely satisfied with the service and coverage. I have traveled through several states in the West, Midwest and the South and the coverage has been very good. Of course, like any other carrier, coverage may not be as good in the areas where you live and spend most of your time so it is important to check the coverage.