Fizz wrote:
This style of antena is as old as TV itself.
I remember my Dad making one out of cardboard and sheets of tinfoil.
Useless then, useless now.
Actually they are OK if used in groups of FOUR, or you are ~10-15 miles from a full power transmitter at most (we used to buy these things for $3/ea by the pallet and pass them out to viewers during the DTV conversion) they are just OK. Thats called the 4-Bay Bowtie, and is certinally as old as UHF.
Originally they were never sold commercially as singles because as Fitz said, they were essentually useless, especially with the receivers of the time, but a real 4-Bay Bowtie antenna is one of the better antennas ever made. They even made them in 8-Bay configurations.
Oh yeah... This is UHF ONLY