Did you read the manual?
It will tell you if it would damage it and to not do that.
In reality, with all the tablets and smart phones my family has gone through over the years, not one battery has been damaged or burned out by leaving plugged in 24/7.
You tablet has a built in battery charge module which is designed to prevent over charge and over discharge which would destroy the battery.. This module doesn't care if it is a "fast charge" or normal charge type charger.
If you use a standard charge (USB port limited to .5A (500 milliamps) or a fast charger (3A or 3,000 milliamps) it doesn't care, the lower charge current means the tablet will take longer to recharge and higher charge current allows tablet to recharge as fast as it can up its max rating with out damage.
Our attempts with tablet GPS absolutely required being plugged in 100% of the time. The GPS software would drain the tablet battery in just a half hr and plugging in the charger resulted in having to restart the GPS software then wait 10- 15 minutes for acquiring sats then reloading our trip info..
Plug in and enjoy.