Ouch. I would avoid any password protection utilities other than the tried and true, such as WinRAR, TrueCrypt, WinZIP, GPG4Win, or Symantec's PGP Encryption Desktop. I've seen conduit bundled with all kinds of stuff, and it is tough to get rid of, as it inserts browser add-ons into every Web browser it hits.
Other unwanted add-ons will chew up your machine's CPU time mining bitcoins for the blokes in China.
I definitely would recommend TrueCrypt. For Android, I would look at luks manager and freeOTFE, as there is no TrueCrypt program available for Android, AFAIK. Another utility would be looking at EncFS type of apps which don't create one large encrypted file as a volume, but store stuff encrypted in a folder. Once the folder is mounted, stuff is read/written on the fly.