FlatBroke wrote:
Gdetrailer wrote:
FlatBroke wrote:
Always bought my 200 triple minute cards an eBay for $33 with emailed access number. They all seem to have disappeared. I see now Walmart has the cards on their site for $40, the normal price, and they will email the number. Tracfone must have put the screws to the low ballers.
Have you ever given thought that those "discounted" EBay prices could perhaps been STOLEN cards?
If you go the Tracfones website, there IS ways to get more minutes at a discount.
You have to select the card put it in your cart then go to checkout.
At the checkout screen you will be presented with additional ADD ON OPTIONS.
It is how I buy time for my Tracfone, I select a 60 minute card, then buy additional time at a discount.. For me it costs a mere $6 a month for my Tracfone..
I started doing it online due to the fact that my local Walmart only sells the one year cards WITH double minutes and it costs more than $99..
Tracfone also has additional card times not sold in stores like 1,000 or higher minutes.
The guy on eBay I got cards from has a five star rating and over 190,000 sales. If he stole them he was pretty crafty. I sent him a message when he was going to offer them again. He said Tracfone has a glitch in there system but to check back. Probably because of Tracfones new smart phone card plans.
Go to Walmart web site and search Tracfones cards. All minute cards pop up and are only available for email activation that I could see.
let me see.. The "guy" on Ebay is selling Tracfone minutes CHEAPER than Tracfone (the ones that OWN the company)..
Of course the Ebay "seller" is going to have lots of "positive" feedback.. It is called a "satisfied customer" who doesn't question nor care just HOW the seller GOT THE MINUTES..
If it was a LEGIT Tracfone online deal they would not be EMAILING the card number to you.
When you purchase directly from Tracfone website, the minutes ARE DIRECTLY ADDED TO YOU PHONE ELECTRONICALLY. No EMAILS, PERIOD.
That Ebay seller is getting those numbers through non legal means, either stolen cards or most likely stolen credit cards.. Sure you get a deal but in the end YOU are an accomplice to stealing.. YOU are enabling folks to continue to steal..
NOTHING, I REPEAT NOTHING is "free" or heavily "discounted" in life.
If Trac themselves are not selling it at that low rate you SHOULD be questioning just how a person can AFFORD to buy a card worth $100 and sell it for $30 or even $40, multiply that times several THOUSAND times.. The real answer is they cannot, LEGALLY.
If Tracfone is going to deeply discount their time they will SEND you a text or post it on their website.. I get texts from Trac with promo codes or promotional info..
Your Ebay seller most likely has moved on or been shut down..