APT - I know I need to look into all of it again... I was paying out around $250 a month for two smart phones, one regular phone, and the 3GB MIFI plan. This is now going up to $290 a month... This includes 1400 minute Nationwide share and TX plan. The two smart phones have unlimited TXT and DATA...
My daughter uses the heck out of her smart phone with the unlimited TXT and would hate to lose that but now that I am not running the work road trips we could really cut back on the 1400 minute Nationwide service plan. It is listed at $100 on the account. I could cut that down to over-ride the $40 increase I just got I guess...
Right now I am not not using much on my phone data wise. The MIFI unit gets used for a couple of GB per month but that could change big time when we get on the camping roads again... We use the MIFI for our back-up internet here at the house when not on the road camping.
I am downstreaming alot from our local internet provider which is Metrocast and can use their TV EVERYWHERE anywhere I can get internet. More and more WIFI is starting to show up here with LOWES and WALMART and three or four hot spots around town that is supported by Metrocast. Very seldom get on VERIZON to downstream anything except my RADIO SCANNER AP which eats up around 400-500MBs per month which is covered good by the EMAIL AND UNLIMITED DATA on the account for my smart phone.
When you go down and talk with VERIZON they are pretty much closed mouthed on what your options are to cut costs haha...
We guys on the limited monthly budget have a hard time making ends meet haha...
We all have somewhat modern new phones we get from the kids when they upgrade or off of ebay... We can change phones on our account and not increase the plan if we stay with the same type phones.
You know how we older guys work - Been with Verizon since the 70s haha... Being on the road alot in my working days this was the only plan that worked when you got away from the interstates across the country.
I think I can get my plan down to the $250 a month pretty easy by changing the 1400 minutes to maybe 800 minutes. We only talk long distance to family members now scattered across the country. We can also use this to add up to 10 members under the Family plan at no additional cost to us that works like the free weekend plan all the time not just on weekends.. Most of us are all on Verizon plans which helps...
Roy Ken