I have Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T hotspots......I use AT&T about 90% of the time, Verizon 9% of the time to text and voice and T-Mobile 1%.....Where I often camp, outside city limits, T_MOBILE rarely works. But I only pay $30 a month for unlimited / no throttling service so I hate to give it up. I was a charter subscriber a few years ago on a program they no longer offer. But the AT&T plan was the little device that plugs into your OBD slot (can't remember the name)...Removed the SIM and put it into a Unite Explore router. Works everywhere I've been with either a WeBoost or a Yagi antenna on a 16' flag pole mount...Best part is $23 a month! I'm currently out in the high desert of New Mexico, about 20 miles from the closest tower and watching YouTubes on TV with the AT&T router....