2oldman wrote:
mikestock wrote:
I still don't get enough speed to consistently view streaming video.
I can stream very well with almost any 4G connection.
I usually have no trouble in the rv but I live in a hilly area and the nearest Verizon tower is not line of sight from me and it usually stays very busy. Most times 7 AM to 10 PM I am doing well to get download speeds above 3 mb/sec. However my upload speeds are surprisingly high, 5mb/sec or more.
Last week, in the rv, I encountered 50+ mb/sec download speeds. Never seen anything like it, using my Samsung S5 as a hotspot.
Dedicating a phone to be used, exclusively, as a hotspot is new to me. Just trying it experimentally for a few months. I wish I had confidence that the Wilson Sleek is working as a pickup for the smart phone. I liked it better when phones had antenna ports that you could work with. I built a 800 MHz Yagi that worked great with my old flip phone to communicate where there was, otherwise, no signal.