I've got 4 MiFi's for our office staff to use while out in the field with the 5G limit and in the 3-4 years we've had them, they have never even come close and that's running them with multi connections and on a remote desktop connection all day long..
Well, last month, I get the email warning that one is at 50% and it's only 5 days into it's cycle.... I tell the staff person the deal and the next day I get another one and finally get one that says it's now 2G over...
Finally get ahold of the staff person and she says that one of the managers has been using it.. Turns out he was using it to Skype with and it was raking up hundreds of mb of data usage per session!
Well, we finally got them to stop Skyping and they now owe the company $20 for the 2G overage, plus I've had to take that MiFi out of service until the next billing cycle..
So, that Skype uses a bunch of data!