I just got a new laptop with Windows 8 about a week ago. I made certain that I did NOT get a touchscreen because Win 8 works absolutely fine with mouse and keyboard and I consider touchscreens to be nothing more than an overpriced gimmick on a computer (touchscreens are great for phones & tablets but not computers with full-size screens).
Win 8 is very straightforward and I have no issues with it nor any desire to downgrade to Win 7. After hours of using the new laptop it has never changed any of my data nor caused me any grief.
I do not use ANY Metro apps and actually went thru and unpinned all the Metro apps from the Start screen. I really don't use the Start screen much anyhow since I spend about 98% of my time working from the Desktop. I don't have any 3rd party helper programs like "Classic Shell" installed because I don't have any need for them.
I haven't encountered any issues with the software that I installed, everything has installed without any problems.
I like Win 8 well enough that I wouldn't consider going thru the hassle of downgrading a system from Win 8 to Win 7 but I also don't like it well enough that I would go thru the hassle of upgrading a system from Win 7 to Win 8. My self-built tower computer has Win 7 on it and I have no plans to move it to Win 8. When I build a replacement tower some time in the future, I would have no reservation about putting Win 8 on it.
To me, there isn't a huge difference between Win 7 & Win 8 as long as you leave Metro apps out of the equation.