burlmart wrote:
Sea'scape wrote:
I just downgraded 8 to 7 on my laptop. It wasn't straightforward. Win 8 seems to try to protect itself. What worked;
- backup anything you want to keep on an external hdd
- download and install Ubuntu Linux. It cleans everything on the had during this process
-take your win 7 install disks and do a full installation. Ubuntu got rid of 8;7 can get rid of Ubuntu.
Digital Darwinism!
Totally agree. I had updated to Win 8 from 7 back when the upgrade was low cost. I rarely need audio, but wanted to watch a talk on my HDMI TV. I did not have internal sound or HDMI. Played around for awhile with drivers, then decided to go back to Win 7. This solved the audio issue, and I really want convinced that 8 gave me anything more (and yes, I did have the new media player installed).
Some days it isn't worth fighting;-)