I have standardized on Garmin GPS so I can transfer waypoints and tracks between the various units and Garmin Basecamp on my laptops. I have a Nuvi for the car / truck (though it does have a fault where it shuts down a few minutes into a journey unless you booted it from cold - very annoying), Sally has an older Nuvi for her cars and a Garmin watch for recording her hikes. I have a Garmin GPSMap60CX for hiking and a backup eTrex.
I do find it confusing looking at the Nuvis on-line as they seem to have so many different models all with subtly different features. Some come with lifetime map updates, some with live traffic (mine has both), some are ultra slim, some have more of a 3-D look to the maps I believe.
I do like using Basecamp though - allows me to create waypoints for my journeys in advance, then drag and drop them onto the GPS. E.g campgrounds I might use, places to visit and their respective car parks, etc.