I use 3 things while planning and traveling. My cellphone, paper map, and GPS for our travels. I also don't like the re-routing that the devices try to take you. This is what I do with the GPS, I look at the destination and my location. I then look at the map and look at the roads I want to take. I don't map the whole trip at once. I find a town on the roads where I want to go and set that as my destination and pick some random address in that town. When we arrive at that town I cancel that trip and start a new route for the next town along the roads that I want to go on. It has worked great but only once when I forgot to cancel the route and it had us on some ungodly roads. All of a sudden it dawned on me what I had done, not cancelling the route, it was a duh moment! I also use my phone for waze and rv parky to find camping along the way. My method has worked great for a number of years.