DutchmenSport wrote:
We use to have DishTV but got tired of them jacking our prices up so canceled completely now.
When we first started with DishTV we used the pizza-pan dish on a tripod and it worked Ok. The only problem was, the tripod was outside the camper and the television was inside. It took 2 of us, one watching the television the other jacking the dish on the tripod around and screaming at each other through the trailer window. This became old real fast.
So I found this: Click here. which worked very nice. When the dish hit the signal, the meter would make a high pitch, I knew the dish was pointed correct.
From the OP
I have a meter of that type that I used with DirectTV. The Hopper is a different animal. They don't make an automatic system that will work with the hopper. I would like to use the equipment that I have at home and not pay another bill for the camper. As far as Amazon Fire, it requires internet service. Often where we camp there is not cell or internet service. We might have to watch the campfire, not a bad thing.
I still have if if you want it. If traveling near Anderson, Indiana, I'll toss your way. Let me know in a private PM.
I finally got tired of this too, and ended up getting a Dish Tailgater. That was nice. Just set anywhere and let the receiver do the work. It took about 5-10 minutes to get the television up and running.
I gave the tailgater and the receiver to another RV.net forum member a few months ago. But I still have the tri-pod, the actual satalite dish with 3 eyes and that signal finder.
I have a meter of that type that I used when I had DirecTV. The Dish Hopper is a different animal. Thanks