Tom_M wrote:
If you only need to boost the cell signal for talk and text these units may work. But as stated, if you need internet disregard these.
not entirely true at all. We camp many many places with poor or non existant cell service w/o a booster. Depending on how low the signal level is and how many towers are nearby and how many users a booster often can give very good internet service.. Our weboost certainly does. If the signal is very low to start with internet may be slow. Or if you have a weak signal w/o a booster AND there are many other users on a single tower, internet may be marginal even with a booster.
But in well over 50% of the cases with a signal that is low or non existent w/o a booster we end up with useable internet with the booster. Not enough to stream video, but enough for decent internet access.
Our solution is the weboost RV along with one phone on verizon another on ATT. Ofen times GSM or CDMA (ATT/verizon) is weak or non existent even with a booster. This at least gives us two chances for service. If neither works out comes the yagi direcional antenna, which has got us a signal many a time.
Yes, there still are many places that non of this will work, you still need to be able to get a signal to the cell tower to boost.