Here is my solution to poor CG WiFi, In those places that have Cell coverage, I use the WiFi connection in my Galaxy S9plus. We were at Morro Bay SP and there is no campground WiFi, using the Winegard Pro brought in some local channels but not much there.
I have Verizon as my cell carrier and am on the cheapest no contract, month to month plan. It is somewhere around $30 a month but I get a discount for being a long time customer and using AutoPay. I'm not sure how much data I pay for but it seems like 5 mb. It doesn't matter, I looked up the plans and figured I needed to upgrade to the $55 a month plan or the $65 a month plan.
We drove over to Los Osos to the Verizon store and I explained my situation to the salesman(young guy in his 20's) and he hemmed and hawed and then suggested the plan one level above my current plan for a net increase of $5 per month and an increase to 5 gb a month. Like the kid explained if I needed more data, they would be there and I could upgrade to another plan or by a Gig or two to tied me over until I had better campground WiFi. The next ten days using the TV like we would at home and did not run out of data.
We do not stream and I have been told that is the big data user, I don't know but for $60 a year, I'm a happy camper. The only draw back is you must have cell coverage.