donn0128 wrote:
Was just reading on the news that Win XP and Win7 are running on far more computers even today than any of the Win8 variants. When oh when will Microsoft wake up?
But of course those are just statistics. They don't really tell the whole story. I use Windows 8 at work and I like it. Not real different from 7 once you understand the Start menu. But I have a 4 year Win 7 laptop at home that works perfectly fine and suits my needs. Why would I need to replace it? Why would anyone replace what works? Not to mention that there is a tablet craze right now. Spend $500+ on a tablet, or a new laptop? What do you think people are going to do?
When the PCs and laptops come to their life's end and the percentage of people who need more than a tablet have to replace the laptop, sales will go back up and Windows 8.x will increase its market share. Of course PC/Laptop sales will never be what they once were. For many people all they need is a tablet. Personal computing has changed and the market changes with it.