I recently got a new laptop with Windows 8.1 and hate the OS! I've done a few tricks here to make it sort of acceptable but Windows 7 or even XP is far nicer and easier to use. I'm a long time computer user and can't stand the attempt at over simplification found in Win 8. More difficult to get to the lower level settings etc. They are there in 8, and ya, can make short cuts but its a PITA. Far easier in Win 7 and even better in XP. Windows keeps getting worse and worse as MS dumbs it down.
I want to downgrade it to Win 7 but looks like it would cost be about $100-$140 to go to Win 7 Home or Pro OEM. I could also buy the Win 8.1 Pro pack which then allows me to downgrade for free but the pack itself costs about $100.