Bammer have you camped this way in the past?
Are you looking at weekends and only occasionally longer?
Will you be staying in KOA type parks, or dry camping?
Do you want crowds, or serenity?
The units you listed are all bunkhouse units so I assume you have kids. How many and their ages can be a factor. With small kids many prefer a bathtub to a shower stall. Trying to go to remote areas mean you may not have water and electric available, so you will want larger tanks.
While the dealers will all tell you that now is the time to buy, they will still have trailers in May. And paying a couple hundred more then will be a lot better than saving that much now on the wrong unit.
If possible when the weather breaks, rent a trailer a couple of times to find out what you like or least get an idea. Stay in a couple of different units and see what fits your family.
Others have asked about your tow vehicle, but remember pulling a trailer is not as hard as stopping one, keep your weight about 10% below the limit of your truck as a safety factor.