Forum Discussion

pconroy328's avatar
Jun 08, 2015

23 minute dump time?

So we're new to this, and have only been out a half-dozen times. Yesterday at the dump station, the fella in front of us took 23 minutes.

Since I'm done in under 5 minutes, I got to wondering. Is that atypical? Did I just happen to find the spot behind a guy with a 1/8" dump pipe?

I'm not sure how much was real dump time either.

He seemed to enjoy walking away to the other side of the trailer and staring off at the mountains. Yeah, they were especially pretty that morning, but still...
  • He must be related to the guy I got behind in Corbin, KY. As we pulled up to the dump he kept backing up and pulling forward and every time his wife kept bending over and although we couldn't see what she was doing this was taking way too long. Finally, I got out of my truck to offer help. Apparently she was measuring the distance from pipe to hole so that when they pulled the emptying valve the waste would shoot out and go right to the dump hole. I explained to her that they had to hook up a sewer hose to have the waste go directly into the waste tank. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, "This is how we've always done it." I walked into the office to let them know what they were about to deal with. Never saw a campground employee move that fast before or since.
  • That's why I like full hook up sites. When I have to use a dump station I feel like I have to rush to clean out my tanks and don't always get them clean. But I agree that 23 minutes is unreasonable. Especially if you have a line of people behind you. I think that 5 minutes is a reasonable amount of time.
  • I would make two cups of coffee and go enjoy the view with him.

    Some people are newbies, some easily confused, some have mobility issues, some doing a season-end cleaning. My mind is already too cluttered to be trying to solve other peoples problems.

    Enjoy the morning or dump later.

    Matt B
  • I've been behind that guy before. Got boards out to drive on to raise the passenger side, dumped, then had a three person team hook up a hose to run inside to flush the tank with, then disconnect the hose and fill it 3-4 times, put everything away, pull forward four ft then get back out to pick his boards and stow them.

    Had the nerve to wave.