Forum Discussion

ThomandDebbie's avatar
Dec 29, 2015

About Retire, Purchase Class C....Already confused

This is our first post as we have just joined. Have settled on a Class C after about a year of searching and looking. Two top contenders are Coachman 310DS and Forest River Forester...either 3051S or 3010DS. Looking at 2012-2014 Model Years. Reading reviews and comments scares the heck out of us. Biggest concern currently are the slides...I really do Not like the idea of a kitchen unit with drains, electrical and gas lines moving in and out in addition to the constant bounce of travel...hence probably elimination of 3151S..of course this is my wife's preferred floor plan design! Any comments on the slides and safety issues. Have read horror stories on the cable systems coming off pulleys...the Schwinteck system appeals to me but then you read that the manufacturer has under built the units, installed rails out of square, slides need additional support etc. I can rebuild, rewire, replumb, just about anything needed....HOWEVER I don't want to outside of ongoing maintenance. Comments, Your Time and Expertise Appreciated....Thank you.
  • we've had our trailer with a kitchen in the slide, for almost 10 years and never had any issues.

    wouldn't have an RV without any slideouts.
  • midnightsadie wrote:
    I don,t have one and get along just fine.

    Me too, however...........

    With only one person in my "man cave" no slides are needed; I get along just fine.

    Add a second person and things get a little dicey. You can't pass each other in the "hall" easily.....or at all depending on the people.

    The only way I see a C with no slides being practical for more than one person is if you spend about 80% of your total day outside and make sure that only one person at a time is moving around inside.
  • As stated above check out the Forest River Form for those specific models ( Both are really nice). I'm sure some posters that currently have kitchen slides will post soon with their thoughts.

    Happy Camping with whatever unit you chose!
  • I had a kitchen slide in my last trailer. I never had an issue with it in 12 years. I think you're overthinking this. The vast majority of slide systems, no matter what brand or type, don't have a problem. Sometimes stuff happens, no matter what brand or type. If you ask me I wouldn't be without a slide; the good out weighs the bad.
  • No issues with kitchen slide in my RV, Its designed knowing it's going in and out. Get the slides, you'll appreciate the open space.
  • From my personal experience, I was scared of slides. Now, every time I change trailers, the new one has more slides than the previous.
    Also, sure there is someone on here everyday with a problem. That is what this is for, to get help. Not to say, everything is fine today.
  • I agree with the OP ,I don,t care for slides,theres not a day goes by that some body is asking about there broken slide , I don,t have one and get along just fine.
  • ThomandDebbie wrote:
    hence probably elimination of 3151S..of course this is my wife's preferred floor plan design!

    If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. :)

    Welcome to the forum. Ask lots of questions before you make your decision. Someone on the forum will have the answers.
    Enjoy your travels.
  • suggest you check out Forest River Forums.
    there is a Forester section and a Coachmen motorhome section.

    do a search on both models or post your question in each section.
    other owners of both models should help you decide.
  • Personally, you might be looking too deeply into all this. I am replacing my slide motor in the spring for the first time. It just broke.

    Many moving parts on these things and stuff will break, new or old.

    I make a list of what needs fixing, and work down my list of the things I can do myself and so on. My list has always had 20 things on it since day one.. one goes off, two come on..10 go off, 1 comes on. Part of the hobby I guess.

    We enjoy the lifestyle and the great places and people we meet as you will also.

    Now get out there and buy one!