Forum Discussion

AL49er's avatar
Jul 28, 2014

Accidentally Put gas in my diesel HELP

I accidentally pumped 9GAL of gas in my 2004 new mar that had about
85 GAL of diesel in it. Can i runn this out or drain it? could i
put some lucas oil in it and drive it? Thanks not my day.Or could
add a nother 15 gal of diesel to it. thanks

Thanks to all I will get it pumped out. thinks so much.
  • AL49er wrote:
    I accidentally pumped 9GAL of gas in my 2004 new mar that had about
    85 GAL of diesel in it. Can i runn this out or drain it? could i
    put some lucas oil in it and drive it? Thanks not my day.Or could
    add a nother 15 gal of diesel to it. thanks

    When in doubt, call Cummins/Cat.
  • darsben wrote:
    from what I read Octane and cetane numbers are INVERSELY proportional. Thus gs will lower the cetane number and make the diesel fuel thinner giving less lubrication of parts the diesel fuel come in contact with. It will also burn hotter

    If it will burn hotter, why is there more BTUs in a pound of diesel than there is in a pound of gas?
  • Bob & Ann wrote:
    I would not take a chance. I would not move it more then a few feet and then get it drained. Any amount of gas in a diesel will cause major damage

    I don't believe that s true, do you have a reference for your statement?
  • That's very little gas to diesel ratio, so add 1 qt of 30 weight non detergent oil to every 10 gallons of gas, IOWs add 1 qt of 30 weight to the tank and fill with the proper diesel fuel and go about your merry way.

    that's from my Cummins manual.
  • Add some diesel kleen cetane boost, or some two stroke oil to re gain some lubricity and youll be fine. 85 gallons is a lot of diesel and will not be very affected by just nine gallons of gas.
  • from what I read Octane and cetane numbers are INVERSELY proportional. Thus gs will lower the cetane number and make the diesel fuel thinner giving less lubrication of parts the diesel fuel come in contact with. It will also burn hotter
  • I would not take a chance. I would not move it more then a few feet and then get it drained. Any amount of gas in a diesel will cause major damage
  • If you want to be safe and make sure you do no damage, Have it towed and get the tank cleaned out properly. DO NOT START IT even for two seconds.
    Undoubtedly someone will say to just fill er up and go for it and that MIGHT work - or it may do many thousands of dollars of damage.