How ironic I've dealt with the same states. Living in Florida for 30 years we never paid tangible property tax on vehicles. Then moving to VA seemed Fla didnt really care the vehicles were gone, now moving out of Va was a totally different story as of course all they wanted was there tax money. So when I got a bill on taxes months after I'd already moved from VA, I fought with them. So rule now seems to be until you retag your vehicles in another state, you keep paying the previous state. CT tells me until I send them my tags back, I will keep paying CT taxes on them, Va was similar and because I'd never had any problems just moving from Fla. (the easiest state so far) I just thought it was the norm. I wont make that mistake again. But I'm anxious to get everything moved from the state I'm in and cut ties completely because once I leave, I'll never come back, so why should they keep bleeding me dry? Oh I'm sorry, that's what most of the states seem to do. lol lol