Forum Discussion

The_Coopers's avatar
Jul 19, 2017

Awning shade screens

G'mornin one and all,

I've got a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with. I recently purchased a sun screen for my awning and when I got ready to hang it, I got nervous that my awning wouldn't be strong enough to hold it the awning seems pretty chinsy to say the least. Do different awnings have different types of screens? Or am I worrying about nothing and my awning will be fine. I would post a picture of what the arms of my awning look like, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that, however, I would be more than happy to send you a picture if you need me to? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

The Coopers
  • Is it a screen that goes in the rope light track, or a full awning screen room?

    The simple sun screens are plenty light enough for any awning. The full screen rooms might be a bit heavy.

    Be aware that adding such a screen effectively doubles the sail area of the awning, so it is much more subject to pressure from wind.

    Some places in the country, RVers never leave their awning out if they leave their campsite. Seen too many awnings ripped off, broken tubes from wind.
  • If your awning is like mine that has arms that run from the roller to the side of the coach you should be fine. I've seen where people who don't angle there awning and it rains the awning fills with water till the roller bends. So they can take a lot of weight.
  • To post photos the easy way, follow the instructions at this link. Just copy and paste the resulting link into your post.