I would also consider a Class A for full timing, but I am concerned about your financial situation. Put together a spreadsheet that compares your current costs with the costs of full timing in an RV. There are a lot of great blogs that have how much it cost them to go full time. There is also a full time forum on this board that has had posts on the costs of going full time. Given that you probably will not purchase a new one, you need to put aside money for repairs. You also have annual maintenance and tires every 7 years. When you get realistic costs and compare with your current costs, you can make a good decision.
I am also retired military and you can save some money by staying at the Famcamp's on bases, but it is not free. Also, many of them have time limits for how long you can stay.
Not saying this will not work well for you. We do not full time, but we love traveling in the RV. I am just saying you need to do a lot of research and math before you can make a good decision.