I Have heard of the infamous Poop Pyramid but I have two better reasons.
IN another thread they mention a park where the sewer backed up.... INTO SOMEBODY's RV via an open gray valve (I do admit to leaving one of my gray's open, but .. Well, Not one park I have ever been in could back it up that far).
However,,,, Have you ever seen the ads for expensive chemical treatments that show the stinky RV.. Well, I found out how to make my RV Stinky once.. In fact at the very campground Im at now but 4.5 years ago.. I left a valve open.
Yup, sewer gas backed up from the hole in the ground, and out the vent on the roof making for one very stinky RV.. Two ways to prevent this.. A water trap (Which might or might not work for assorted reasons) in the hose, however there is a problem there. OR,, close the valve.
NOTE: Expensive chemicals will NOT HELP.
Las Vegas (Or Clark Co NV, not sure which) has a law that the dump hose must slope towards the sewer inlet in a continouse downward slope. Thus putting a water trap in the stinky slinky is illegal there.. Only place I know of that has that law.. but then I'm not up on all the laws in all the places.
How do you make a water trap? Well, I use a Slunky (Sewer hose support) system to comply with the Vegas law and beacuse I like it.. All you do is end the support short of the hole in the ground, that way the hose Dips at least 4 down and forms a water trap (if the outlet is high enough)
But closing the valve works better.
My rig has 3 tanks, Gray 2 (Wash waste) empties via a 3/4 inch hose so you only need about a 1" rise for it.