As others have pointed out, there is A LOT to think about even before taking the first real step.
Are you planning on doing this in New Jersey? Or were you hoping to move out to the less populated areas of the country? The reason I ask is that generally, the further away you move from the populated areas, the less stringent the building codes tend to be. Here in the Northeast, there might be some communities which allow what you're trying to do, but I'm not so sure. A friend of mine had purchased a lot up in Maine, and it was in a pretty remote area, and he wanted to move his camper up there for several years until they were able to move out of Massachusetts and build a house on the lot. They were not allowed to do it. I forgot all of the specifics, but one of the stipulations is that a temporary structure (live his trailer) can only be lived in for 6 months of the year.
Of course, the further you get away from civilization, the fewer people you're likely to attract.
I can only guess that New Jersey is at least as restrictive as Massachusetts and the rest of the Northeast. I could be wrong, and would LOVE to hear if you found some communities which would allow you to implement your plan. But even WITH that, the others have pointed out so many other issues you'll have to address.
In my humble opinion, I don't see much, if any, profit in this scheme. I think you'll be lucky if you bring in enough to cover the land costs, taxes and fees, let along maintenance, upkeep and insurance, etc.
Interesting thought, though. Let us know what you find out if you continue to pursue this idea. :)