BubDelicious wrote:
As far as in a class B or C, I would consider the front passenger seat( depending on a few things, like airbags).
NEVER put a child under 12 in the front passenger seat! It's the most dangerous seat in the car for a child, due to the airbag. When an airbag deploys, it literally punches a child in the chest and face. Many children have been killed by airbags. The best seat in the house is in the back, preferably in the middle.
Yes, yes, I know that we all somehow survived riding in the front seat, none of us had car seats, and few of us even had seatbelts in our parents' cars. What we don't know is the names of all those children who were killed or maimed for life because they weren't restrained. We know better now. If you have ever worked in a children's hospital (as I have) and seen what happens to an unrestrained child's body in a car accident, you will NEVER, EVER fail to restrain your children properly.
Off my soapbox now...