newman fulltimer wrote:
The hybrids are prone for leaks
not true.
yes, some hybrids have leaks but the vast majority don't. many who don't own hybrids, assume because of posts, that it's a problem with all hybrids, which it is not.
i've had mine for 7 years now without any leaks. many leaks are caused by improper storing of the tent ends or poor maintenance, by their owners. many time the leaks turn out to be condensation, which hybrids and popups can have, but can be easily cured.
that said, your choices are two different types of trailers. most hybrid owners are former popup owners who want more amenities plus want to continue the sleeping under canvas experience.
if the idea of sleeping under canvas is not something you'd LOVE to do, DON'T buy a hybrid.
too many think that they will love all the sleeping capacity and openness of a hybrid, without really considering the canvas experience. they end up selling it because they failed to really think if that's something they would really enjoy enough, to put up with the few negatives.
if you're on the fence about the canvas ends, get the Puma.