Forum Discussion

Mmpfox's avatar
Oct 16, 2017

Decisions decisions

Hi. We have had the regular camping progression from tent, popular and now travel trailer. I am not thrilled with my current trailer and I am thinking about changing. My husband does not really like towing. Our current truck is 2005 Yukon xl and it needs shocks if we are going to continue to tow. So, decision to change tow vehicle and move onto a 5th wheels or a class c motorhomes. I am wondering if a 5th wheel is easier to tow and hitch. I would like to have the ability to take out the camper if my husband was working etc with my kids. Any suggestions. Starting my pros and cons list. Thanks for your help.
  • Depends on how mechanically inclined you are. I have seen women hooking up or assisting with the hook up of a 5er. As long as you follow a hook up sequence and do not get distracted, I believe it would be something anyone with a little mechanical ability could do. The first couple of hookups by yourself would be the most difficult for you. With time and experience as you hook and unhook you will become more sure of yourself and eventually you will complete the task with ease.

    You mention that you would be doing this alone because your husband would be working. Does that mean you will be driving and backing the 5er by yourself? Not a difficult task, but it is certainly different and more complicated than driving the family auto to the grocery store. With practice and experience you should become proficient at driving and backing the 5er.

    In either case, go slow, think ahead on what your next step will be and try to keep the distractions to a minimum.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

  • Shocks are rarely the determining factor regarding towing. They dampen, for lack of a better word, the TV springs. If you are helping hitch and unhitch and drive the TT now, you’ll find little additional effort needed for a 5er, just a little different.