Ralph Cramden wrote:
Lynnmor wrote:
Dick_B wrote:
After sanitizing one now has a system full of bleach water including the Fresh Water tank. My latest trick is to open the FW tank drain when leaving the campground and let it dripple onto the highway. It's usually gone in time for the next stop/campground.
You sir have no consideration for others. We don't want your mess on our vehicles and particularly on motorcyclists, bicyclists or pedestrians. :M
Oh the humanity LOL.
When I leave the campground if either of my two tanks still have water I open the petcocks and let it drain while driving home. It usually takes better than 30 miles or better to drain from those 1/4" petcocks.
Never saw 1/4" petcocks, only 1/2" valves. Do slobs have the smaller petcocks installed?