Forum Discussion

Acdii's avatar
May 27, 2016

Doable or overly ambitious?

Planning a family vacation for end of July, I have a solid week Saturday through following Sunday. The goal is to get to the Grand Canyon and Bryce Canyon and home which is Rockford IL.

I have gone from Rockford to Chino CA in two days, so as far as driving endurance, that's not the issue, I wasn't hauling a trailer with me, but was driving an F150.

Difference this time, pulling a trailer with my family and mother. Reason I am even thinking of this wild notion, we would need two motel rooms for each layover, along with the destinations, and after adding them all up, it came out to a whole lot more than I would like to spend, which did not include fuel or meals. Wild notion, pay more in fuel, make our own meals and not have to worry about two motel rooms. I noticed that camps spots are up to about $50 a day, which is not bad at all, considering motel rooms were twice that.

So gleaning off those who do this all the time, is it doable, or too much to take in? How many hours driving a day would you consider normal while hauling? I have driven from Orlando to Rockford in 21 hours, so duration driving is not an issue, but again, that was not pulling a trailer. Ideally I would much rather just get a motor home since the difference in gas mileage would be negligible, what do they average on 87 Octane, 8-10 maybe? Thats about what I expect my F150 EB to get towing. Pulling my 12x6 Enclosed gets me about 11-13 and that is all fighting wind resistance as there is not much weight to it, so just giving a rough estimate on what to expect in FE.

Instead of a TT would I be better off finding an old motor home instead? Its a 3500 mile RT. I was considering renting a trailer, but logistics get their ugly head in the way. Have to pick it up o a friday between 1-3 PM, and return on Monday before 10, no weekend hours, which means 9 days of rental, and it appears they also charge mileage of .39. That comes out to $4K for the week. I am finding decent looking TT for $8K, so makes more sense to just buy one, paid for with two week vacations. It also gives us the ability to just load up and go spur of the moment. I also do an RC flyin in Iowa every year, and that would save me a few hundred $$ as well. So it makes sense to get one, but not sure if it should be a TT or a motor home. My wife can drive the motor home but not tow a trailer.

Thoughts? Opinions?
  • Truthfully, your planned trip is too many miles in too few of days. If your children are just out of booster seats then they're very young. Subjecting them to this long drive along with your mother in one seat in the truck would be very confining. The drive itself is hot and boring.

    With an RV you do not make time like you do in a car. It's wise not to go over 65 mph. You have approximately 1600 miles each way and I would estimate a good long day would take 3 days.

    From Williams to Bryce is 300 slow miles, not 3 hours as you estimate.

    Even if your wife could help drive you still have the three passengers to think about. Also, if your wife thinks she can drive a motorhome then she can also tow a trailer just as well, especially on the interstates.

    Your children are still young to really get a lot out of these two places. Would you have a two-week vacation the following year that you could have more time for enjoyment?

    You also have to take into account of illnesses or mechanical problems along the way. Having some extra days would help out.

    You need time to find the right RV and two months is rushing it. I don't me it's just too rushed.
  • If you don't own a RV now than buying one now and having it ready by July might be a problem, you have to do a test run and check all systems and such and make any repairs, you just don't buy one load it up and go you could end up with a ruin vacation..

    You might be better off renting a motorhome or just go the hotel route for now.
  • Its less than 3 hours between canyons, which is why I chose it. There is a train trip in Williams that goes into the Canyon and a bus tour from there, and then a train ride back, so that would be an entire day, say Tuesday, then we take Wednesday and just relax, Thursday head to Bryce, spend the night there(which is why I want to go there, to see the stars, best spot to see them in the US), then head home on Friday.

    I think it is doable, at least once we actually get there, and thats the main reason for my asking, the drive between here and there. :)
  • 3500 miles in 8 days plus sight seeing? That sounds more like a marathon to me than a vacation. Family vacations are a lot more relaxing for everyone when getting there is almost as enjoyable as the destination. I suggest at least limiting the trip to one canyon or the other, not both.
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    I think the passengers in your vehicle will determine how long a day you drive. YOU might be able to endure 21 hours of straight driving, but ... can they?

    How ragged-out will everyone be after sitting, cramped up for hours upon hours, and how grouchy, tired, and irritable will everyone be, so much so, that they might not even care to see the destination. If every arrives completely exhausted, what fun will they have.

    This is the largest factor of all. My kids will sleep most of the trip, we all did the drive home from Orlando in January of last year, 21 hours in total only stopping for fuel and two meals. My wife took over part of the driving while I got some rest. The main reason I am considering a TT is that when we have reached the point of having had enough of the highway, we can find a spot to stop and get some rest. Without it, we are at the mercy of finding a motel, and believe me, I have found some rather crappy ones that made me want to sleep in the car. The biggest thing I hate about traveling is the great unknown. What you expect when you book a room, and what you actually get can be quite disappointing. At least we narrowed down the sites, we were originally planning to hit Mount Rushmore, then Yellow stone and then the Grand Canyon, but after first finding out Yellowstone is more camping related than anything else, we changed the plans to just the Grand Canyon.

    My rough estimate is I can make it there in two days, so plan on a Monday arrival, spend a couple days there, then a day up at Bryce, and then Friday head home and plan for a Sunday arrival home. My Chino drive got me to Denver CO by about 10 PM after leaving at 5 AM. I figure with the family split the distance in half and find a spot midway, then see what the hours to reach are as the starting point, if longer than 12, then divide the total by 3 and see where we land.

    Does this sound like a reasonable plan? You're right though, with just me its easy, but I have 4 others to contend with too, thankfully the F150 is comfortable for all. The main reason I have it as my daily driver is the comfort, I cannot drive a car due to back issues, 1 hour in a car and I am in such pain I can barely get out of the car. I can drive all day in my truck and be fine. Another plus is both kids are no longer using booster seats, so there is plenty of room in the back for 3 people.
  • I think the passengers in your vehicle will determine how long a day you drive. YOU might be able to endure 21 hours of straight driving, but ... can they?

    How ragged-out will everyone be after sitting, cramped up for hours upon hours, and how grouchy, tired, and irritable will everyone be, so much so, that they might not even care to see the destination. If every arrives completely exhausted, what fun will they have.
  • FWIW with my set up I average 50MPH operating each driving day. That includes from the departure that morning and fuel stops. My average fuel stop is 30 mins and have to stop every 180 miles with my tank size.

    Beyond that there is a lot of driving with not a whole lot of time to enjoy the destination. If I read your post correctly you have one week to do all this. There is a lot between you and your destination. Travel is the destination.

    However you plan this may be the most fun trip you have...barring any unforeseen circumstances.

    I enjoy camping over setting up camping. YMMV. Personally its a lot of driving for the amount of time of enjoying it.

    I am sure you will get more opinions to help you with your decision.