bcarroll wrote:
kohai wrote:
I'm slow too.
My process:
- Hook up black tank flush hose and turn on (that spinner thing).
- empty black tank
- close black tank, fill it again through the black tank.
- empty black tank while monitoring clear elbow
- If I still see toilet paper or anything, I repeat again (or if going into storage for month) otherwise done.
- then I empty the grey tanks
- add some water into the black tank, put digest packet into toilet/tank
- add some water to grey tanks, put some deodorizer down sinks
This was based on a video I watched.
If the hose I use to fill the black tank back up is slow, I'm slow. I'm guessing I'm 20 minutes to get this done on a good day.
I don't have one of those "spinner things"... what is that?
I don't have a clear elbow either, so I improvise. Been thinking lately that it would be a good idea to get one.
I normally put the deodorizer/digester pack in the tank when I first set up camp - is it a post dump process?
I think the spinner thing is called a black tank flush. I hook a hose to a sprinkler device built into the black tank. It sprays the inside of the black tank while I'm emptying it. I also can fill the black tank back up with this hose just by closing the valve.
I put a digester in after I dump to help control smells. I also put one in at the start of a trip like you (and every 3 days or so during the trip).