campigloo wrote:
Boy spoon, you're really wound tight. Maybe you should think about just staying home and yelling at your kids instead of taking out your stress on everyone that does something not according to your standards.
campigloo wrote:
Apology graciously accepted
campigloo wrote:
Oh really spoon? You think screaming at people and calling them names is a class act? Maybe you need to read your own post about being polite and friendly. I'm one of those "whiteheads" you so adore and I take offense at the comment. What did your father say about hotheads?
campigloo wrote:
Spoon, this has gotten waaaay out of hand. I'm just asking you to relax a bit. There is no written in stone ways to do anything. I do things that annoy others. It's not intentional. You do things that annoy others, and I would like to think its not intentional on your part either. You're just not the only one that has to deal with stress. Most of us whiteheads have already dealt with screaming kids and work schedules, so we know where you're coming from. Just try to realize we're all just trying to enjoy our limited time on this planet and doing the best we can.
Peace? Brother?
You know the interesting thing about all this is that I have never said a word to you before your initial comments to me. I was responding to someone else. I believe that I presented a logical and rational response to someone who said that he intentionally takes as much times as he wants and could care less what anybody else thinks.
This had nothing to do with you. I was never out of control. I wasn't yelling or angry when I wrote it. I certainly would never yell at my kids for something that other people annoy me about (That's why I have a wife!!!). I never mentioned anything about screaming at people and calling them names. That's not my thing.
You came at me like we had a personal issue. I have no idea who you are or why you are coming at me.
I'm sure we all have personal issues that others find annoying. I'm not sure about you, but I try to be cognizant of the fact that other people are around me. If I am just out for a drive with no hurry, I try not to be that guy that piddles around in the left lane of the highway. When I am out getting groceries, I try not to be that guy that leaves his cart blocking the whole aisle while I go to the next row over to get bread. I hold the door for someone else walking in or out.
I am far from perfect, but I try to be aware. If I was doing something that was overly annoying for no apparent reason and there was a thread on that I was reading, I probably wouldn't get on that thread and tell everyone else to go screw themselves because I'm going to do what I am going to do. I would probably think to myself... oops, I've done that. I should be aware of that in the future.
Its like the walking through someone else's campsite and walking right past them at the campfire. Its rude and ignorant. If I didn't know better before, I know now that it isn't accepted behavior. If I didn't know that it was rude and ignorant to take 45 minutes to dump when there is a line behind me, I know better now.
I have no issue with you. I don't know you. I don't remember a single post from you other then the few that I quoted above. Don't worry though, I'll still hold the door open for you. If I se you in line behind me at the dumpsite, I will be quick. I wouldn't intentionally drag my feet just to make you wait longer. I know how annoying that would be...