wbwood wrote:
It's not a race. Dump and clean your tanks to your liking. Be mindful if you have traffic behind you waiting.
This is the best advice for dumping at a dump station.
However, the OP was not really about dumping at a dump station, but rather at a full hook-up site and getting the tanks clean enough while doing so.
It is nice to get a few different ideas of how to do it or what all is involved in the process.
Funny how somethings don't just pop into my head about this, like putting water back in the tank after the dump... makes total sense but not something I would have thought of.
I also always thought the tank had to be, though not spotless, free of debris for fear of unpleasant odors, and since I cannot see into the tank it is hard to know when to stop.
The best thing about this forum is that it is for beginners to ask about things that may not come naturally to them. It is great to have so many different possible ways to solve or resolve a problem.