Forum Discussion

bcarroll's avatar
Jun 12, 2015

Dump techniques....

Ok, the 23 minute dump time thread, that is now closed, got me to thinking - what is the most efficient way to dump.
I am in my 3rd year of my first trailer, and feel I am not very efficient when it comes to dumping.
I just came home from camping this week and when I dumped, in the FHU campsite, it took me much longer to dump than 23 minutes.

I dumped the black tank. Then dumped the gray tank. While the gray tank was dumping I had someone put more water in the black tank.
When the gray tank was almost done, I closed it and re-opened the black tank. When that was done, I finished the gray tank.
I don't have any fancy internal black tank rinsers, and no clear dump pipe, so I disconnect the hose and use a sprayer to rinse up the pipe as far as possible(holding the hose for it to drain into of course). I do not want to leave debris in the tank so I rinse until no more debris.
I think my black tank has a never ending supply of debris because I finally had to just say "no more" and end it(after an hour or more).
I wanted to do a more thorough job of cleaning the tank while in the FHU site, otherwise it would have just been a quick black dump/gray dump, put more water in the black tank and dump... 5 or 10 mins tops.

But there has to be a better way...
  • It takes me 20 to 30 minutes to get hoses out, dump, rinse and pack everything up. We also try and do this either before the crowd starts or after it starts. But sometimes it just doesn't work that way. I have no issue with others doing the same but do get annoyed when they start washing their unit or cleaning windows after they finish dumping.
  • Problem arises when someone rinses and rinses and flushes and flushes until, "no more debris comes out."....and does this at a dump station when there are others waiting in line.

    Doing all this rinsing and flushing is not a problem at an individual campsite with full hook-ups.
  • I'm slow too.

    My process:

    - Hook up black tank flush hose and turn on (that spinner thing).
    - empty black tank
    - close black tank, fill it again through the black tank.
    - empty black tank while monitoring clear elbow
    - If I still see toilet paper or anything, I repeat again (or if going into storage for month) otherwise done.
    - then I empty the grey tanks
    - add some water into the black tank, put digest packet into toilet/tank
    - add some water to grey tanks, put some deodorizer down sinks

    This was based on a video I watched.

    If the hose I use to fill the black tank back up is slow, I'm slow. I'm guessing I'm 20 minutes to get this done on a good day.