grampscamper wrote:
RV Park reviews
We use this to help us select RV campgrounds. This is only one option and not always 100% reliable. If you're planning a trip you have the option of posting here. You could ask what sites to see and campground recommendations for areas you plan to visit.
I do the same thing only a few steps further when I am traveling to unfamiliar territory. I built a spreadsheet where I input the campgrounds last 10 ratings and last ten camping costs as listed on RV Park Reviews. I then average the rating and average the cost across the ten numbers for each category. I then sort by rating, highest being first, and then by costs, lowest cost being first. This gives me the best rated parks at the best possible costs. I pick the top 3 or 4 and read several of the reviews on RV Park Reviews. I base my decision on these three things, Ratings, Cost and Reviews. If a see that one of my top picks has some issue that others don't like then I have to decide it that's a deal breaker for me.
I have used this for two long trips we have taken and couldn't have asked for a better outcome on the campgrounds/RV parks we stayed at.