To pick up a little on Porkchop's final thought...
Many years ago a very wise RV saleslady (yes, there are such things; although Camping World bought this particular dealership and promptly ran her off!)told us to consider our first RV purchase a "Training Trailer". Find a gently used trailer that you feel you can live with and learn what is really important and what is frosting.
Our second trailer was closer to "right" and the one we have now fits us well. We will probably keep the Titanium until we get too old to handle the travel. Hopefully that will be a long time. We love this particular unit, even though it has its quirks and problems.
We now realize that a lot of "new" features we see at shows or dealerships are not really adding much to comfort or convenience. (But, boy, do they add to price!)
The only other thing I would add is the old saw "There is no such thing as too much truck." No matter what you start with, you will end up with something bigger and heavier. Having to replace a fairly new truck just so you can get a new trailer is a heartbreaker.