OFDPOS wrote:
Lets see for starters;
1. The ones that walk the dogs off the leash and the dogs come running up at you. Their comment "oh he's friendly he won't bite. I don't give **** it if doesn't have a tooth in its head ! Keep the dam thing on the leash and under control. I hate it when you walk on a path and here they come from the other way with their dog on one of those retractable leashes out to the max, and we will kindly ask that they pull the dog in and they give us the f U snighed smirk look and half ass do it.
2. The ones that let their dogs do their business and just walk away .
3. The ones that leave their dogs locked in the camper and are gone for hours at a time , meanwhile the dog is non-stop barking. You let the CG office know and they just say ok we'll talk to the owner.
4. The ones that think that every business / restaurant is a Petsmart store.
Annoy the hell out of the rest of us
5: The ones where they are walking on one side of the street, their pooch is on the other, separated by a retractable leash, and you hear the paniced grinding of the ratchet as they try to yank the dog back as a car comes by. This is especially annoying if you are on a bike, since it is a good way to get clotheslined.