Must admit, there is nothing quite like the sound of a diesel, particularly the old ones. Have a mid 90s Cummins 5.9L in my boat. The sound coming out of that 7" diameter pipe in the transom is something to behold even though it is toned down somewhat by a wet muffler.
The 6.6L Isusu in the Chevy is another matter. That is one lovely quiet engine. The Fords & Cummins/Dodge has gotten better recently but are still no match for the Isusu which is almost as quiet a gasser. I drive too many towing miles & go up & down too many Rocky Mountain passes to even consider gas.
140,000 on it so far. Headed to Alaska for its third time this year. In another 140,000 we will think about retiring it to somebody who just wants to drive around in big truck & make trips to Lowes with it to get plywood.