Is the 5er a 30 or 50 amp?
You have around 20 feet of usable power cord on the thing so a SINGLE 25 foot extension cord of the proper size is about all you need.. ONE extension cord should not cause you a problem, have done it many times.
One recommendation is to make the joint between the two cords weather resistant. One way to do this is to get a plastic "Tool box" (Small one) notch it so the cord can enter at one end just under the lid, and then set it atop a concrete block (you need 6 or 8) Then pile 2 blocks either side of it, and one more on top of it (or pile 3 across on top) to hold it there.. OFF the ground, OUT of water and shielded from the rain. This is how I do it save for the concrete, I use whatever is lying about or a block of wood to keep the box off the ground.. Or I hang the joint by bungee cord from something handy depending on the site.
As I said I have done this many times both on 30 and 50 amp sites.