Forum Discussion

doghouseman's avatar
Apr 14, 2020

Grand Design vs Keystone?

From my research it looks like all the good RVs are made on the west coast, but I really need to pick up one on the east coast.

So, i have narrowed down to Grand Design and Keystone. Seems like Grand Design could be "all show and no go" as they say. Keystone seems to make a lot of options, but I am really looking for the best quality.

Any recommendations? Or something high quality on the east coast?
  • Just MY Opinion from reading notes from folks here - - The Grand Design folks are FAR SUPERIOR after the sale than the Keystone folks..
  • doghouseman wrote:
    From my research it looks like all the good RVs are made on the west coast, but I really need to pick up one on the east coast.

    So, i have narrowed down to Grand Design and Keystone. Seems like Grand Design could be "all show and no go" as they say. Keystone seems to make a lot of options, but I am really looking for the best quality.

    Any recommendations? Or something high quality on the east coast?

    Not sure what you mean by "all the good RVs are made on the West Coast".
    There are only a handful of RV brands made out here, with Northwoods Manufacturing, Outdoor RV and maybe Lazy Daze motorhomes being known for the best quality. The other few West Coast RV factories just crank out copies of what's made in Indiana.

    I don't know of any other high quality RVs made out here.
  • We bought our GD when they were the new kid on the block. GD built its reputation on outstanding service after the sale. When Winnebago bought them GD had explosive growth and introduced new models and product lines. But anecdotal stories seem to indicate the older ones were better built. You can temper that by saying there are many more GD's on the road now and people are more vocal about issues they have posting to social media. I'd buy another GD in a heartbeat and my brother is looking at a GD Solitude.
  • All I can tell you is I have a 2010 keystone outback and we’ve been happy with it. It’s had its problems but I don’t think anymore than the rest of them. Most of the problems have been either
    my fault or ordinary wear and tear. A couple have been manufacturing defects but that’s about it.