I really think that a B/C is not going to satisfy your needs. You need something with more room. Check out the dealers but don't tell them that you are just in the "looking" phase. If they ask, just tell them "soon" and that how soon depends on the deal. Have you been to an RV Show? You can get a lot of information in an afternoon. Doing school work while heading down the road will be a problem. Plenty of distractions for an 11 yr old. In your case, I honestly think the way to go will be a used bunkhouse tt. That will give your daughter her own "space". A crew or club cab truck will give you sitting room for all of you. And by putting a topper on the truck you have storage. Think about this....your daughter is 11, hormones are about to kick in MAJOR TIME. Do you really want to spend the next two years with that and not be able to send her to her room? :B