The class B was/is just a backup backup option. Finances are a large driver in this issue as well as other issues. As I said, I can get a well maintained 23 foot Class C from Cruise America for between $17k and $24k or a well maintained 24 or 26 footer from El Monte for around $25k.
Our other option is a large minivan and hotels which won't allow my wife to nest and will be just as small.
A larger RV would be really nice but it just doesn't work for our maneuvering/ parking profile needs. It also doesn't really fit our budget either. A Travel trailer removes all the benfits of being able to school while on the road and do other things while I drive.
I'm looking at renting a small one for a weekend trip and see how that goes.
It is nice that the used rental units have the space over the cab available as a sleeping area that I'd look at sectioning of in some way so I could send my daughter to her room. Just wish it was tall enough to sit up in.