It sounds as if the tecnhomadia folks are now charging a fee for access. That's sad.
GraciesDaddy wrote:
The couple over at Technomadia.com are full-time RVers who work on the road and, for their livlihood, MUST have internet connectivity for the majority of the time. On their blog is their 2014 configuration of their WiFi/Internet set-up.
Caveats: Can't reiterate enough... Chris & Cherie are FULL-time RVers and operate their business via the internet and can't be without it for an extended period of time. Even a couple of days without could mean lost revenue for them. They do utilize TWO different service providers (AT&T and Verizon) because they've found that if one service has ½-a-bar of service, the other one usually has a better connection. From my experience, AT&T is better east of the Mississippi and Verizon is better west of the Mississippi; particularly in the Southwest & California.
You most definitely DO want encryption while doing your banking/bill paying from the road!